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RJ Smith Environmental Historian


In his work as an environmental historian, Raymond has sought to combine his university studies in history with his lifelong appreciation of landscape and his knowledge of the physical sciences. His degree was in History and taken at the University of Hull in the early 1980’s. Prior to that his A level studies had included Chemistry and Physics.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in 1991 (where he was a member of Planning and Environment Research Group committee between 1998 and 2004). He was elected to the Royal Historical Society in 2007 and is an Associate Fellow.

He trained in adult education techniques at the Universities of Surrey and Sussex. Apart from devising degree level courses as an Associate Lecturer at Surrey, he was also the facilitator of a support group at Surrey.

He jointly convened many of the meetings of the UK branch of the European Association for Environmental History. His work on current affairs has included feature writing for construction industry publications.

He sees both photography and videography as ways to build on his public history activity and expand people's understanding of landscape and history.  He also sees his videographic work as demonstrating a way in which historians (and geographers) can take more control over the presentation of their areas of expertise to audiences.

Outside of his professional activities, he has sought to put his knowledge and experience to good use in the voluntary sector in Surrey. In 2001 he set up a Biodiversity Working Group for the Guildford Environmental Forum and chaired it until 2017. He became Chair of the Forum in 2010 continuing until 2017. He also took on chairing the Planning Committee of his local parish council in 2003.

What is Environmental History? A short outline.

Raymond Smith - mirror view Walton Hall, Open University Guildford Environmental Forum walk, Ranmore, Surrey. Photo Rob Hewer. Aqueduct over River Rother, Sussex