Communicating Raymond has thirty years' experience of writing for publication for general, business and academic readers. He has also lectured to audiences ranging through the public, post-graduates and academic conferences for thirty years. He has provided exhibition material and undertaken consultancy for television production. Details of publications are on the Publications page. His work is about helping people to understand and appreciate the world around them and he takes a wide view of what constitutes history. Raymond was trained in adult education techniques at the Universities of Surrey and Sussex, and devised degree level courses at Surrey. He has given post-graduate seminars at universities across England and Wales including to engineers, environmental scientists and resource managers. He sees his photography as an important part of his work especially for landscape history and for the historic built environment. He has also expanded his activities into videography. This has included work used in publicity for a major international exhibition and subsequently as part of a display in a university art gallery. Other work has been used as a teaching aid for CPD seminars and talks. Some videos on architectural and landscape history are available on Vimeo. He sees videography as building on his past activity in public history.